Charlottesville, VA Mortgage Loan Officers

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Charlottesville Loan Officers Near You

Hal Johnson

Hal Johnson

Senior Loan Officer
orange star 129
NMLS # 233808

About Charlottesville, VA

With big-city amenities but a small-town feel, historic Charlottesville is located in the eastern foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. It’s home to orchards, vineyards, and the University of Virginia with its main campus designed by Thomas Jefferson. It’s also a gateway to the wetlands, waterfalls, and rocky peaks of Shenandoah National Park. And no trip to C’ville, as it’s known, is complete without a visit to The Downtown Mall — a lively collection of over 120 shops and 30 restaurants housed in historic buildings along the city’s Main Street. If you’re looking to make a move to this vibrant area, Embrace can help. As a leader in our industry, we’ll work closely with you to help you achieve homeownership here.

Since 1983, we’ve helped hundreds of thousands of people get the keys to the home of their dreams. We’ve also helped them with other financial goals, such as getting cash for remodeling a home, eliminating high-interest debt, and paying for college. We’ll work closely with you from application to closing, bringing you a wide range of loan options and the best available rates, all with a tradition that focuses on your family’s goals and special budget requirements. So welcome to Embrace, Charlottesville. We looking forward to working with you.